Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) was established in January 2016 with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, to promote the standard regarding food safety management and certification program, and launch three levels of food safety management certification programs and restaurant service certification programs, etc. The total number of certified and conforming organizations has exceeded 2,000, and they aim to reach 10,000 certified organizations in 2026.
Global Food Safety Initiative(GFSI) was launched by EU retailers in May 2000. By influencing all stakeholders from the upstream to the downstream of the food supply chain, including retailers, the catering service, suppliers, manufacturers, international organizations, academic groups, government units, consumers, certification bodies, accreditation bodies, certification program owners, etc. to discuss and establish consistent and objective food safety management benchmarking. The certification programs recognized by GFSI are benchmarked with the same consistency as international requirements. GFSI recognized programs could enhance consumer trust, reduce unnecessary certification assessments, and reduce costs.